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Yoga: can it substitute regular exercise training?

I know you agree with me that physical inactivity is one of the prime reasons behind ill health. But do you have any idea what type of diseases you may get because of your laziness or sedentary lifestyle? A sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of heart diseases along with other chronic illnesses like diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, bone and joint like osteoarthritis, colon and breast cancers, and depression. [1] 

Are physical activities and exercise the same?

Some of us are often confused between physical activity, and exercise. Many of us have a thought that performing household works or occupational activities are enough for our fitness. It is true that during these physical activities our skeletal muscles move and we lose energy. But is this enough for health-related physical fitness? The answer is a big No.

Exercise is planned, structured, and repetitive physical activities that perform to improve or maintain physical fitness. Physical fitness is not restricted only to health-related but also has skill-related attributes. [2] In this aspect, yoga is one of the best forms of exercise. Yoga not only accomplishes the primary aim of the exercise but also promotes general well-being. [3]

What is the connection between yoga and exercise?

Aerobic, strength training, stretching and balance exercise are four primary forms of exercise. Marching in a place, squat, single knee rotation, knee lifting are examples of aerobic, strength training, stretching, and balance exercise. [3] But yoga is not merely a few postures (asanas) but an integrated system of actual physical fitness that promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Yoga envisages health in totality on the principle of a healthy mind in a healthy body. [4]

Regular practice of yoga is a part of a holistic lifestyle. Practicing yoga helps to execute all the goals of exercise that include maintaining or improving one’s heart and lung fitness along with building strength, flexibility, balance, and functional movement. Yoga is an ancient Indian mind-body technique. Worldwide yoga is not only popular as a way to shape up the body but for overall well-being. [5]

Yoga for Cardiovascular physical training

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The combination of certain bodily postures (asanas) and breathing techniques during regular practicing of yoga provides a positive impact on both cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Marjariasana (Cat Pose), Shavasana (Corpse Pose) are some asanas that help to improve lung capacity and heart rate. Practicing these yoga postures also regulates blood circulation in a better way and lowers cholesterol levels. Step by step performing these asanas broadens the heart muscles, stimulates them by starching the chest cavity to regulate heart rhythm, promote cardiac functioning, blood circulation, and stamina of the respiratory system. Altogether practicing yoga acts as a stress-buster. Performing different yoga postures allows the body to extensive bending and stretching accompanying breathing control. Pranayama or breathing exercise is an integral part of yoga that teaches how to regulate breathing. Pranayama offers immediate relaxation, detoxifies the blood, and helps to treat cardiac disorders. [6, 7]

Muscle-strengthening training

We often have a misconception that only athletes need to perform the muscle-strengthening activity. But the fact is that every individual needs to practice physical activities to strengthen their muscles. The strength of your body comes from the strengthening of your deep muscles present inside the abdomen. These muscles have a connection with the spine and pelvis. These muscles are core muscles of our body that play a vital role in positioning and controlling central body movement. Strengthening of core muscles is also essential for preventing lower back pain.

Ardha Phalakasana (Low plank), Purvottanasana (inclined plane), Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), Vasisthasana (side plank), and Virabhadrasana (Warrior) are five simple yoga poses that are very effective for strengthening core muscles. Your body becomes flexible and strengthens core muscles by regularly practicing these yoga asanas. [8]

One should perform muscle-strengthening yoga for the easy and efficient performance of all our routine tasks including household chores. Muscle-strengthening yoga enhances our capability to do physical works without any pain symptoms.

Flexibility training 

Flexibility is a crucial element of physical fitness. Stretching of skeletal muscle can improve flexibility. Flexibility is an adequate range of motion that is essential for performing everyday tasks, supports good posture and muscle relaxation. Adequate flexibility boosts performance and reduces injury.

Yoga, Meditation, Spiritual, Mental, Hinduism

In Western countries, Hatha yoga is the most recognizable form of yoga. The aim of practicing Hatha Yoga is to improve physical health as well as general well-being. Iyengar yoga inclines from the most classical Hatha yoga tradition specially designed for improving flexibility.

The regular practice of Iyengar yoga helps the body to become more flexible by providing the muscles and joints a higher range of motion. Iyengar yogic stretching helps to release lactic acid from the muscle cells into the bloodstream to avoid obstruction in muscular contraction. [9]

Balance training

Two types of balances are necessary to maintain the center of gravity during standing or sitting (static balance) and in walking (dynamic balance). Impaired balance increases fear of falling. Such problems are frequent with elderly populations. They often limit their activity level that reduces their confidence along with increases anxiety.

Yoga is a mind-body practice and also has benefits for body balancing. It is well established that yoga improves balance and other psychological factors. Hatha, Iyengar, Bikram, Kripalu, and Silver Yoga are different yoga styles. All these forms of yoga have well-established benefits in improving and maintaining body balance and suitable for elderly populations. [10]

Each of these styles is a bit different from the others. You may also notice some variations depending on the teacher. You must discuss with a yoga expert to settle the suitable style that requires achieving your fitness goal.

NitaNaturale is not describing how to do all these yoga asanas. Often misinterpretation of the written direction leads to in-vain the effort of the performer. It is always better to perform these postures under the guidance of a yoga expert. He/she can also suggest you the precise individualized yoga training program.





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