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Moringa against Obesity

Moringa, the dark green leafy plant is revered as the ‘Tree of life or a ‘Miracle Tree’ for its immense healing power and rich diet source. Let us see some remarkable benefits that moringa can render us:

  • Low glycemic index and does not spike blood glucose level, as it provides slow, steady digestion.
  • Low-calorie content in moringa is easy to burn and easy to reduce calorie intake without creating hunger.
  • A sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals help to proper digestion of foods and speed up metabolism.
  • Moringa does not block the appetite, but the rich source of fibers can help to reduce food cravings and reduce the likelihood of reaching for junk food. Fibers also help to maintain the proper functioning of the digestive system (1).

An abnormal increase in weight due to the accumulation of excess body fat causes a very negative effect on health. Medically, this condition is featured as obesity. A data published in World Health Organization in 2014 stated that about 13% of the world’s adult population (11% of men and 15% of women) were obese and 39% of adults aged 18 years and over (38% of men and 40% of women) were overweight. In developed countries, the leading cause of death is cardiovascular disease. Any heart disease and risk of stroke are higher in association with obesity.

The world is moving towards the right selection of natural anti-obesity substitutes that may be a great alternative strategy for developing cost-effective, potential, safe anti-obesity drugs.

Common Causes of Obesity

Obesity is estimated by the ratio of weight over height, the most commonly used anthropometric index being the body mass index (BMI) expressed in kilograms per meter square (2).

Hamburger, P, French Fries, Belly, Abdominal Fat, Fat

The imbalance between the energy content of food eaten and energy spent by the body leads to weight gain. Performing physical work is a fundamental principle of bodyweight reduction (3). Our ancestors performed a high level of physical activity. Therefore, the risk of energy imbalance was minimal for them. But sedentary lifestyle in the current era is a primary culprit for the imbalance of energy intake and release that leads to weight gain. (4)

How is moringa helpful for an obese individual?

Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal system referred to Moringa as an anti-diabetic agent. The leaves of moringa oleifera (MO) are used as hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycemic agents (5).

  • The high nutritional value of Moringa is combating obesity due to its low-fat content (6).
  • Moringa leaves are a rich source of vitamin B, which helps in food digestion. Thus, ingested food items produce energy rather than storing them as fat (6).

In this regard, the following research statements also support that the moringa leaves can be beneficial in weight management:

Clinical Study Evidence

Sufficient clinical trials are yet to require conduction on moringa. However, the following are some human trials that support the anti-obesity benefits of moringa:

Nutrients present in Moringa

Several studies have been conducted with the extract of Moringa oleifera in the laboratory those revealed that Moringa extract contains an abundance of phytochemicals, micro, and macronutrients:

  • high concentration of various antioxidants (ascorbic acid, flavonoids, phenolics, and carotenoids),
  • vitamins(A, B and C),
  • minerals (iron; calcium; phosphorus; copper),
  • protein and more importantly,
  • Essential amino acids like cysteine, methionine, tryptophan, lysine, isoleucine, leucine, and alanine.
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) helps fuel the body by converting blood sugar into energy.
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) requires a wide variety of cellular processes. Like the other B vitamins, vitamin B2 plays a key role in fats, ketone bodies, carbohydrates, and proteins metabolism.
  • Vitamin B7(Biotin) has vital metabolic functions. Biotin can help address high blood glucose levels in people with type-2 diabetes, and decreasing insulin resistance, and improve glucose tolerance. It plays a role in energy metabolism.
  • Isoleucine builds proteins and enzymes. It provides ingredients used to create other essential biochemical components in the body, some of which promote energy and stimulate the brain to maintain a state of alertness.
  • Leucine conjugation with isoleucine takes part in proteins and enzymes synthesis. It enhances the energy level in the body along with activating mental alertness.
  • Alanine supplies energy to the brain, muscle tissue, and spine. It strengthens immune functioning by producing antibodies. Alanine also helps in the healthy metabolism of sugars and organic acids in the body (10).

The presence of all these nutrients makes Moringa(specifically its leaves and pods) an almost ideal dietary supplement. Aida C. Mallillin, Trinidad P. Trinidad established that Moringa has a high content of dietary fibers, both insoluble (approximately 19.6g/ 100g) and soluble fibers (approximately 3.1g/ 100g). Fiber fills you up by providing bulk to your diet without adding extra calories. Thus, it acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Experts agree that fiber is a remarkable weight loss aid, as it can help you lose weight is not one, but six ways (11):

  • It makes you eat slower
  • Since it provides bulk in your intestines, fiber makes you feel “full,” so you’ll want to eat less.
  • It triggers the release of cholecystokinin hormone for suppressing the appetite naturally.
  • By helping your body transport fat and calories through your digestive system, fiber increases the number of calories you excrete in your feces. The fewer calories you let in, the fewer calories you put on your body as fat.
  • Soluble fiber coats your intestinal tract, reducing the amount of fat your body absorbs without the embarrassing side effects.
  • Soluble fiber slows down the release of glucose, so you feel hungry less often.

Three important essential amino acids – Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, and Tryptophan are abundantly present in moringa leaf (12). They act as appetite suppressants. Phenylalanine needs to form another amino acid called tyrosine, which your thyroid gland needs to produce the hormones that control metabolism. If you are deficient in phenylalanine, then you are most likely deficient in tyrosine, which means your metabolism—the rate that your body converts calories to energy—is not operating as it should, and unburned calories equal stored body fat.

Mark Mayell, the author of ‘Off the Shelf Natural Health’ mentioned that Tyrosine has a link in the production of certain neurotransmitters such as dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline. He suspected that the production of neurotransmitters plays role in controlling appetite. Additionally, phenylalanine also triggers the release of cholecystokinin (CCK) that emphasizes the feeling of fullness. Thus, one stops eating. In Off the Shelf Natural Health, it has mentioned that tryptophan both directly and indirectly works to decrease appetite and helps to keep the body weight under control.

  • Directly: Increases serotonin levels. Serotonin helps the hypothalamus signal the sense of fullness, reducing your appetite.
  • Indirectly: Like phenylalanine, tryptophan signals the intestinal tract to release the hormone CCK into the bloodstream, giving you the sense of being full. Additionally, there is some evidence that CCK signals the pituitary to release a fat-burning hormone. (13)

Hunger suppression and increasing metabolism rate make moringa the most powerful slimming agent. Moringa is a stimulant, as it acts as an energy booster. Stimulants increase your energy and mental alertness, suppress your appetite and help your body burn fat by increasing your metabolism (13). Dr. Oz, the executive producer of Mehmet OzAmy ChiaroMindy Moore mentioned once on his popular afternoon talk show that Moringa is an energy blaster(14). The abundant source of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients provides a perfectly balanced diet through triggering natural energy production without resulting in side effects like other slimming agents mostly do (15). Another significant impact of Moringa on diet is its property to boost energy without caffeine (4). It is wonderful that even if moringa is taken as a slimming agent, then also no one can feel down or lull, as it maintains energy level.

The fresh green color of Moringa has several benefits. The green color is due to the presence of chlorophyll. Therapeutic properties of chlorophyll can include the following (16):

  • Stimulating immune system
  • Benefit against sinusitis, fluid buildup, and skin rashes
  • Ability to help combat anemia
  • Eliminating molds in the body
  • Purifying the blood and the organism, cleaning it of toxins.
  • Ability to help prevent cancer and is being used in cancer therapy.
  • Cleaning the intestines
  • Ability to help to rejuvenate and energize the body
  • Detoxification of the liver
  • Ability to normalize blood pressure
  • Combating bad breath as well as body odor that occurs due to the magnesium salts.

Moringa can boost energy level

Stimulants like caffeine can cause glucose intolerance and increase blood glucose levels. Because Moringa is so nutrient-rich, it slows down the rate at which the body releases sugar into the bloodstream. This means that sugar levels are depleted and less sugar is turned into fat, while energy levels are boosted to burn existing fat. It’s a win-win situation! (17)

The Moringa is packed with nutrients. These vitamins, minerals, and enzymes keep your body balanced to trigger natural energy production. Athletes love Moringa for the boost in energy. On the other hand, Moringa also helps you relax and sleep well. (18)




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