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Barley grass: Promotes health by supporting basic physiological functioning

You may aware of barley, but may this crop does not get a place in your diet. But barley gets global recognition as a fourth important cereal due to multiple reasons including its high fiber content, a functional ingredient in beer preparation, and Chinese herbal medicine. The healthiest major dietary guidelines for modern humans also have enlisted barley. Therefore, if you consider you are modern and health-conscious, then I hope soon barley gets a place in your kitchen.

But do you have any idea about barley grass and its health-promoting effects? You can grow barley grass if you have a passion for pot gardening. Barley grass is young green leaves and stem arise from barley seedling. Barley green appears almost ten days after sprouting. The nutritional parameters of barley grass are at peak at the elongation stage just before the reproductive cycle of barley starts. It has multiple therapeutic benefits to prevent chronic diseases, like circulatory disorders, reducing obesity, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-arthritis, anti-diabetes, and control cholesterol levels. 

Nutritional value of Barley Grass

The nutritional and functional ingredients list of barley grass is quite long. It contains both macro and micro nutritional substances. Barley grass is a rich source of fiber, protein, and dietary fats. The significant quantity of trace minerals and essential vitamins include calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, sulfur, chromium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and folic acid. Chlorophyll, β-carotene are two natural pigments present in barley grass along with bioactive phytochemicals like flavonoid, polyphenol, Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), tryptophan, and many more which make barley grass as a nutritious and functional herbal ingredient. You may surprise to know the following fact that the nutritional value of certain nutrients in barley grass is significantly higher than commonly known healthy food items. [1]

Macro/micro nutrients

Barley grass

Other food items

Vitamin B1 

30 times more than

Cow milk

Vitamin B1 

4 times more than

Whole wheat


11 times more than

Cow Milk


6.5 times more than



5 times more than


Vitamin C

7 times more than



2 times more than

Barley grains

Total flavonoids

2.1 times more than

Brown rice


10.7 times more than

Brown rice

GABA (is an amino acid takes part in neurological functioning)

37.8 times more than

Brown rice

What are the health-promoting factors present in  barley grass?

The unique functional nutritional composition of barley grass makes this green as a health-promoting herb. If you read the following details, you also agree with my view. 

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

GABA inhibits neurotransmission and smoothens neurological excitement that occurs in the brain. Barley grass exerts multiple health benefits due to the presence of this bioactive composition. This green herb controls your anxiety and gives mental relaxation by regulating the sleep cycle, which is essential for enduring cognitive and reproductive functioning. GABA contents of barley grass activate antioxidant defense which alleviates oxidative damage. 

Apart from GABA, barley grass contains 20 amino acids including eight essential amino acids. This abundant source of plant-based amino acids makes you more energetic throughout the day by increasing energy production. Barley grass keeps you young by improving cell building, and regeneration. These balance cellular damage that occurs with aging because of the bioactive constituent present in it. [1]


Barley grass containing flavonoids have radical scavenging activity. Intake of barley grass after a meal can act against excessive weight gain due to the presence of a variety of flavonoids. Research conducted in the European population reported that flavonoids intake can reduce the risk of gastric cancer. [1]  


Barley grass contains almost 300 different variety of enzymes which are ready to use by our body to maintain the natural antioxidant ability. [1] Free radical burden in our physiology is the main culprit for aging and associated diseases. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and other antioxidants we produce in our body to combat the free radicals. But unfortunately, our sedentary lifestyle, exposure to pollutants, and the intake of many chemicals containing items often increase the load of free radicals. These bring early aging and much chronic illness. Barley grass intake can compensate for the need for antioxidant enzymes need in our body, because Barley grass is loaded with SOD, catalase, and other antioxidant enzymes. [1]


Barley grass contains many trace minerals, but potassium, calcium, iron, and sulfur are present in the highest amount. Potassium containing diet is usually recommended for individuals who have to tend to develop hypertension, cardiac problems, and Alzheimer’s disease. Potassium plays an important role in the improvement of cognitive performance due to its anti-inflammatory and oxidative stress management ability. [1]

Chlorophyll pigment

The intense green color of Barley grass is due to the presence of chlorophyll pigment. Chlorophyll and heme are considered as fundamental pigments of life. Without these two, no life can exist on this earth. Chlorophyll is not only essential for photosynthesis but has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which prevent diseases. [1]


You already read the multiple vitamin compositions in Barley grass in the nutritional value section. A combination of these vitamins can act as a catalyst to regulate bodily functioning and prevent the onset of diseases. [1]


The polyphenols composition of Barley grass plays a protective role against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer. [1]

How Barley grass promotes health?

Regulate sleep cycle

Adequate sleep is very important to keep ourselves healthy. But work stress or other anxiety often hampers our sleep cycle and make us dizzy throughout the day. NitaNaturale recommends to its readers to include Barley grass powder in your dinner along with rice or wheat flour to improve your sleep cycle. A combination of GABA, Calcium, and potassium in Barley grass imparts this benefit. [1]

Immunity enhancer

Hard-immunity is essential to survive in the present as well as the future world. Barley grass stimulates immune functioning to act against invaders. [1]

Liver protective

The liver is the largest gland present in our body and plays an important role in detoxification. Therefore, a healthy liver is an utmost need to lead a healthy life. Deficient natural antioxidant enzymes are a major cause of liver cancer development. Barley grass containing antioxidant enzymes can provide hepatoprotection. [1]

Conserve skin health

Barley grass maintains the intracellular homeostasis and also takes part in detoxification. [1] Both of these bioactivities are essential for maintaining long-lasting skin health. If you have an acne tendency, then include Barley grass in your green smoothie recipes to make it an acne-treatment recipe. 

Individuals who inflammatory skin diseases, NitaNaturale announces good news for them that Barley grass is a new therapeutic way to treat atopic dermatitis. GABA present in Barley grass regulates the Th1/Th2 balance, which corrects the immune response of our body. [1]

Mental health well-being

Vitamin and minerals present in Barley grass prevent stress-related psychiatric disorders like depression symptoms. Barley grass is an effective herbal remedy to prevent mental disorders like depression, dementia by regulating the hippocampus functioning. [1]

A combination of GABA and potassium present in Barley grass also increase cognitive effects. [1] You have another reason to include Barley grass in your daily life to do better performance in your workplace. 

Take care of gastro-intestinal health 

  • The water-insoluble dietary fiber present in young barley leaf is an excellent laxative, which prevents constipation. [1]
  • Barley grass also a good remedy for indigestion as it lowers gastrointestinal pH and prevents gastric ulcers. [1]
  • Barley grass also effective to support the digestive system against ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis, and other gastrointestinal disorders. [1]

Promotes cardiovascular functioning

  • Barley grass can prevent blood clotting inside the blood vessels and uphold the blood fluidity, [1]which is essential for the smooth functioning of the cardiovascular system. 
  • Individuals who have hemoglobin deficiency can take barley leaf juice regularly. Chlorophyll and iron content in this herb promotes hemoglobin synthesis and balance oxygen supply to everybody tissues. Saponarin is a flavonoid present in Barley grass plays an important role in regulating blood pressure. [1]
  • A combination of potassium, calcium, GABA with minimum sodium content in Barley grass can lowering hypertension. [1]
  • Barley leaf has a lipid-lowering effect as it modulates lipid metabolism, opposes lipid peroxidation, and improves vascular endothelium. These mechanisms altogether prevent atherosclerosis. Barley grass control cholesterol level by improving cholesterol metabolism and reducing cholesterol synthesis due to the presence of Hexacosanol in it. But this herb significantly increases the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels. [1]

Good for Bone Health

Barley grass can act as a natural calcium supplement which helps to intact the bone composition and prevent osteoporosis. Barley grass also reduces the uric acid level and treat gout. [1]

Prevents rapid fatigue condition  

Lutonarin and saponarin are the phytochemicals present in the Barley grass act against hypoxia. An animal research result reported that Barley grass had anti-fatigue due to its antianoxic effect, which helps to improve endurance in physical activity. [1]

Antitumor & anticancer

We cannot ignore the advancement of medical science. But still, medical science does not win against certain serious health disorders like Cancer. Unwanted cell growth due to mutagenic changes in cells leads to tumor formation and in the serious condition it turns to cancer formation. A recent journal published review report stated that the antioxidant property of barley grass containing phytochemicals could be a promising tumor treatment. [2] However, different research papers have mentioned barley grass has anticancer activity and prevents gastric cancer. [1]

Normalizes blood sugar level

Dietary fiber of barley grass is effective to normalize fasting blood sugar level, whereas saponarin present in this green herb controls the postprandial blood glucose in diabetic condition. Barley grass is an effective treatment to control stress-related hyperglycemia as it then functions as insulin. [1]

Tips to include Barley grass in your daily diet

  • Take raw Barley grass preparation to intact enzyme content, which may be degraded during cooking. 
  • If you have a body odor problem, take a glass of Barley grass juice daily. Chlorophyll and soluble protein in Barley grass can solve the issue by omitting the root cause of this problem. [1]
  • Always select young Barley grass, which is more nutritious, increasing the seeding rate impact its nutritional value. If you have Barley grass plantation in your kitchen garden, then collect barley grass between 13 to 56 days after sprouting. 
  • If you or your family member have diabetes, check Vitamin B12 level periodically, as often the diabetic patient has Vitamin B12 deficiency. Barley grass can compensate for the deficiency.
  • If you have gout, take fermented barley extract to normalize uric acid level. 
  • Barley grass is a health trendy herb often used in a green smoothie. You can prepare the smoothie by putting one banana, one cup apple juice, 15 gm fresh Barley grass, 100gm mixed berries, and 10 to 15 mint leaves in a blender. Blend them till the mixture becomes smooth and frothy. Enjoy this energetic drink any time in a day to refresh your mind and body. 
  • Barley grass powder is one of the best functional foods for both healthy individuals and patients with chronic illnesses. 
  • If you want to Barley grass is ready to eat from, then Yungong branded Barley grass powder is well tested. [1] Otherwise you can buy organically sourced Barley grass powder, which can be manufactured by freeze-drying or spray-drying process to increase its shelf -life. 
  • The recommended dose of Barley grass powder is 1.2 g/day. [1] You need to take this for two months if you want to get a significant result of the reduction of fasting blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.  


What precautionary measure requires to include barley grass in regular diet?

If you have any chronic illness, then inform your dietician that you want to include Barley grass in your diet. Dietician will guide you better regimen which suits your condition. 


Note: Blogs under NitaNaturale contain some medical terms and concepts, which you may not know in detail. For better understanding, readers can feel free to contact me by filling the consultation form under the contact section.  




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